By Coral Clarkson Five years ago, I remember sitting in the office and feeling deeply unhappy with where I was. I wanted to be outside, in the sun, swimming. I wanted to be free. Today as I write this story at 1:00 p.m, I’m sitting at home having achieved location independence. I’ve become a digital […]
How to Manifest What You Want in Life
By Charlie Rogers If you could rate your life satisfaction score from one to 10, what would it be? A research paper published by Our World in Data found that some countries have a life satisfaction score with an average of just 3.5 out of 10. This is an alarmingly low rate. Why is this? […]
38 Inspirational Love Quotes to Stir Your Heart
If gratitude is the parent of all virtues, as Greek philosopher Cicero said, then love is the most celebrated of virtues. Inspirational love quotes, poems, songs and writings surely communicate love’s enduring power. Love lifts us from darkness, makes us happy and rewards us beyond measure. Even with its mystery, confusion, conflict, and suffering, love […]
How to Find Joy in Life
By Jennifer Landis Each day is a chance for us to start anew. We can find joy in life from being with our loved ones, our job and the smaller things, like a hot cup of coffee, or a walk in the park on a sunny day. The challenge of how to find joy in […]
Why Cultivating Lifelong Friendships Changes Your Life
By Jennifer Landis Chances are the people who know you best have been in your life the longest. Perhaps you met on the playground, in class, or next door to your childhood home. Regardless, you’ve spent your whole life getting to know them, and you hope to maintain that bond for as long as possible. […]