By Laurel Elders Vision. Let it illuminate the path to what is calling you. Courage. Let it move you to not look away and step forward. Trust. Let it build the bridge to your success. Grace. Let it lift you above the grime. Commitment. Let it anchor you to the real. Humility. Let it be […]
6 Benefits of Gratitude: How Feeling Grateful is Good for Us (Infographic)
What activity is easy to adopt and boosts mental and physical health? Grateful thinking, a powerful practice that opens the door to a more joyful, fulfilling life. Decades of scientific research have revealed that gratitude increases our happiness, strengthens our immune system, has us sleep better, helps us socially and boosts our work productivity. With […]
How Children Can Revitalize Your Soul
By Jennifer Landis On some days, you feel like you can’t do it. Maybe your nieces and nephews are too hyper, your students keep talking while you’re speaking, or your kids have spent all day whining. Whatever it is, you feel worn out by the little ones in your life. When these moments of frustration […]
3 Blocks that Keep You from Reaching Your Potential
Do you sometimes feel that you could be more, do more? If so, you may be thinking that you’re not reaching your potential. You want to achieve more but time is limited, and your will to act is non-existent. These roadblocks can come up while in pursuit of your potential or best self. Living a […]
Too Busy for Solitude? 4 Ways to Make Time for Yourself
By Morgan Bundrant Solitude is creativity’s best friend, and solitude is refreshment for our souls. ~Naomi Judd Many definitions for “self-care” exist. The International Self-Care Foundation defines it as, “what people do for themselves to establish and maintain health, and to prevent and deal with illness.” In a more practical sense, I like to think […]