“The further you get away from yourself, the more challenging it is. Not to be in your comfort zone is great fun.” ~Benedict Cumberbatch Sometimes what keeps us from getting what we want in life is our reluctance to change our routines and habits. We want to minimize the stress and risk that breaking the […]
20 Kindness Quotes to Inspire Greatness
Practicing kindness is one of the fastest and most gratifying ways to inspire greatness in ourselves and others. Many of us are kind by nature, but what if we consciously looked for opportunities to extend kindness as we go about our day? Some opportunities can be to help carry groceries for someone, letting a car […]
12 Personal Growth Ideas
Do you feel sometimes that each day morphs into the rest? That you are just going through the motions? You may not be in your ideal job, are saddled with too many obligations or just plain need a change. Shaking up the routine may be just what you need to arouse some excitement and enthusiasm […]
Choose a Virtue in the New Year
With the New Year here, you may be thinking about New Year’s resolutions. Setting goals is beneficial, but you might feel a sense of weight in figuring out how to achieve them. Trying to achieve the same goals year after year with no results can be disheartening. Instead, how about choosing one word, a virtue, […]
Sublime Gratitude
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ~Albert Einstein By Stacey Thompson, Editor Many years ago on a business trip to Atlantic City, New Jersey I had an unforgettable experience. I was there for a tradeshow […]
10 Inspiring Quotes by Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt, first lady of the thirty-second president Franklin Roosevelt, was an outspoken, admired leader who made lasting change to the welfare of humanity. She fought for the rights of workers, children, women, the oppressed and poor. Helping to found the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and establish the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Eleanor, […]