Living life with gratitude can create more health, happiness and healing, as studies have shown. We can use the practice of gratitude to help us through difficult times even when it’s not so easy to do. Oprah Winfrey said, “It’s not easy being grateful all the time. But it’s when you feel least thankful that you […]
Gratitude in Difficult Times
“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.” ~Meister Eckhart You may be without a job, have an illness or facing a difficult situation of some kind this Thanksgiving. When going through difficult times, it’s harder to see the good that exists amidst our troubles. But by being more grateful […]
Gandhi’s 10 Words of Wisdom
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Mohandas “Mahatma” Gandhi spent his life working to fight discrimination and poverty against Indians, both at his home in India and for 20 years in South Africa. He was a leader in the Indian independence movement from Britain and a pioneer in […]
Mentor or Teach Someone
What are you good at? Can you play an instrument, cook well, write a resume, or play a sport? Someone can benefit from what you know and be grateful for your time and generosity in sharing your experience. You will not only be providing a great service to another person, but you will feel good […]
Write a Gratitude Letter
Can you think of someone you can thank today? Maybe it’s a friend for his or her unshakable support? Or, your spouse or partner who you may not have thanked lately for all they do for you? How about your child’s teacher, your doctor, or your parents? Expressing gratitude to someone can make his or […]
Simple Practices for Healing
Guest Post by Elizabeth Critton Having been in recovery from drug addiction for three and a half years, I have found many useful tools in my healing process. Certain principles and/or virtues have stuck out to me as especially beneficial. From gratitude to service work, we have many simple practices available to us that can […]