In Dr. Wayne Dyer’s film, “The Shift“, he tells the story of Ivan Ilyich who was Novelist Leo Tolstoy’s character in his short story called, The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Ivan, a high-court judge in 19th-century Russia who despised his work, gets to the end of his life and is faced with a question: “What if my […]
Dr. Wayne Dyer
25 Quotes by Dr. Wayne Dyer on Virtues to Inspire a Better Life
A beloved spiritual leader and self-development author of more than 40 books, Dr. Wayne Dyer, passed away on August 30. He inspired millions of us to live a better life by pursuing our passions, beginning each day with gratitude, manifesting our desires by contemplating what we want instead of what we don’t have, choosing love […]
Forgive for a Better Life
“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” ~Mark Twain Forgiving can be hard. Our trust may have been broken, hearts crushed, feelings hurt, ruined opportunities, and more. But if we don’t forgive a partner, friend, family member, colleague or whoever has wronged us, we may be living […]