Forgiving someone who has wronged us can be difficult, seemingly impossible, but if we don’t, negative feelings can prevent us from moving forward in life. Anger, resentment, and bitterness towards our offenders can affect our physical health and limit our potential. For example, if we’re stuck in an unresolved conflict with someone, thoughts about it […]
3 Key Virtues to Help You Through the Pandemic
The turmoil and uncertainties of the pandemic are likely wearing on you. You may have been tirelessly caring for your children while they learn remotely. You might be an essential worker worried about bringing the virus home to your family. You may be struggling to pay bills because of a job loss. Being isolated at […]
3 Blocks that Keep You from Reaching Your Potential
Do you sometimes feel that you could be more, do more? If so, you may be thinking that you’re not reaching your potential. You want to achieve more but time is limited, and your will to act is non-existent. These roadblocks can come up while in pursuit of your potential or best self. Living a […]
23 Creativity Quotes to Ignite Your Self-Expression
What is your creative outlet? The one that you get lost in for hours? You feel happy and fulfilled while doing it? This form of self-expression is where you’ll experience your highest levels of creativity according to author Daniel Pink in his book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. He says, “For artists, […]
3 Effective Ways to Accomplish More in Life
“To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act.” ~Anatole France By Vanessa Davis We all have our “thing”, something we believe in that helps us to be better every day. Unfortunately, though, negative thoughts, laziness, and obstacles tend to muffle that inspiring whisper within us. Our egos preoccupy us with trifles when instead […]